Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Switch

So, today I got to switch from clear liquids to full liquids. That means I get to eat oatmeal, yogurt, cream soups (after straining out the chunks), and a few other things. I was really excited to eat something besides jello but man was I nervous too. I was so worried that I would eat something and get sick. I asked the good people over at lapbandtalk.com what to do and they suggested making the oatmeal runny so that it doesn't get stuck. So, I made a little bit of oatmeal and mixed it with vanilla yogurt to thin it out a little. Then I added some cinnamon just for flavor.

The first bite was fabulous, I was just so happy to have something the chew. It's weird how you miss chewing when you haven't done it in so long. Then I swallowed and waited for the urge to be sick....but it never came. I ate really slowly. Taking a bite and then waiting a few minutes before taking another. It took a while to eat, and I only ate about 1/2 of what I made, but it was really good and it feels good to know that I can eat a little something now.

I really don't think I'll ever eat jello again. EVER!

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